17 April 2008

United Nations Mission In Kosovo: Serb Elections In Kosovo Illegal

DOI 17 April 2008

NEW KOSOVA REPORT (SWEDEN)—According to United Nations Mission in Kosovo's (UNMIK) spokesperson Aleksandar Ivanko, Serb elections should not be held in Kosovo on 11 May 2008. According to Ivanko, United Nations (UN) Administrator Joachim Rücker is preparing a short answer for Serbia's Government, which insists that the Serb election should be held in the State of Kosovo. UN officials maintain that holding Serb elections in Kosovo violates resolution 1244, which put Kosovo under interim UN administration in 1999. Source: http://www.newkosovareport.com/20080417885/Politics/UNMIK-serb-elections-in-Kosovo-illegal.html (Reliability: 6.5)

Comment: Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in February 2008, and three dozen countries recognize Kosovo’s independence. Serbia’s decision to hold local elections in Kosovo indicates that Serbia ignores UN objections and still considers Kosovo a part of Serbia.

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